VScode a text editor that comes highly recommended by millions of web developers, hence our task is to try to install it on this $35 computer with a few tweaks to have your web development environment ready. A point to note is that there exist very many text editors and selecting is largely dependent on user preference.
To install the correct GPG keys simply run the following command:
wget https://packagecloud.io/headmelted/codebuilds/gpgkey -O – | sudo apt-key add –
To install Visual Studio Code, you only need to run a straightforward command.
curl -L https://code.headmelted.com/installers/apt.sh | sudo bash
Once done you should be able to find the visual studio code under the accessories menu called Code-OSS.
Due to a bug in the latest update, you get a blank screen when you access vscode
This can be solved by downgrading VS code by running the following command.
sudo apt-get install code-oss=1.29.0-1539702286
Mark it “on hold” so it doesn’t upgrade to the latest version automatically using.
sudo apt-mark hold code-oss